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The EU Directive on television and radio programmes – EU Commission Q&A

By CM – June 04, 2021 Brussels, 4 June 2021 What were the challenges for online transmission and retransmission of television and radio programmes that the new Directive on television and radio programmes is addressing? Broadcasters are increasingly offering their broadcasts online (for instance through their simulcasting or catch-up services). However, such online programming often remained unavailable in other Member States, even if there was interest abroad to access it. The ‘clearance of rights’ […]

Recovery and transformation of media and audio-visual sectors

By CM – June 04, 2021 Source: Recovery and future transformation of Europe’s media and audio-visual sectors – Committee on Culture and Education During its committee meeting on the 27 May 2021, the CULT Committee held an exchange of views on an own-initiative report (INI) recommending ways towards recovery and deep transformation of the media and audio-visual sectors in Europe. During the exchange of views following the presentation of the draft report, questions were […]

Italy: EU Commission approves €120m to support newspaper publishers

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €120 million Italian scheme to support publishers of newspapers and periodicals. The scheme aims to ensure the availability of newspapers and periodicals in Italy and to protect the quality of the Italian language in printed publications. Under the scheme, newspaper and periodical publishers will be entitled to tax credits covering up to 30% of the paper costs incurred in […]

How Europe’s Media Freedom Act is going to work

Free media are a key pillar of every democracy and they are essential for a healthy market economy. On a global scale, the European Union remains a stronghold for free media, setting a standard as a democratic continent. Yet, there are increasingly worrying trends. Building on past efforts, the Commission has taken a number of measures to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. This has culminated in the European […]

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